The Translate Encoded Titles Modules

You can use the modules under Translate Encoded Titles to translate some field titles and list options that appear in the Aprimo user interface.

Standard titles in the interface are already translated into the languages your organization has implemented. The titles you can translate are called encoded titles. Encoded titles are available for objects that tailor the system to your organization's unique needs, such as system types and extended attributes. For more information, see What You Can Translate.

You use the modules under Translate Encoded Titles when you need to translate several titles or list options. These modules enable you to access all encoded titles.

Design Considerations

When you translate encoded titles, a flag appears next to the action icon for groups of titles you have not yet translated. The flag remains until you have translated all encoded titles in a group.

Translating all encoded titles is not necessary. For each language, consider translating only the encoded titles that will be available to users of that language.

After you translate encoded titles, users see the titles in the language they selected in My Profile.

To translate, point to the action icon for the group of titles, and click Edit Encoded Titles.

What You Can Translate

Module Where they originate

Activity Type Statuses

You create activity type statuses in activity type records, in the System Types module.

Common Objects

You define the titles of common objects in the Common Objects module in Analysis Administration.

Currency Names

You create currency names in the Currency Setup module.


You create domains in the Domain Management module.

Expense Category Titles

You create expense category titles in the Expense Categories Setup module.

Expense Hierarchy Branches

You create expense hierarchy branches in the Expense Hierarchies Setup module.

Expense Hierarchy Titles

You create expense hierarchy titles in the Expense Hierarchies Setup module.

Extended Attributes

You create extended attributes in the Extended Attributes module.

Extended Attributes List

You create list options for each multiple selection or picklist-encoded extended attribute in the Selection Options field in the Extended Attributes module.

Extended Attribute Page Layout

You create extended attribute tab names and section names in the Extended Attributes module.

Financial Hierarchy Branches

You create financial hierarchy branches in the Financial Hierarchies Setup module.

Financial Hierarchy Titles

You create financial hierarchy titles in the Financial Hierarchies Setup module.

Fiscal Period Titles

You create fiscal period titles in the Fiscal Periods Setup module.

Form Fields

You create form fields in the Form Fields module of an inbound form.

My Aprimo Navigation

You create titles for custom navigation items and navigation groups in My Profile.


You create the object titles in the Objects module in Analysis Administration.

Object Attributes

You create report labels for object attributes in the Attributes module in Analysis Administration.

Object Categories

You create object category titles in the Object Categories module in Analysis Administration.

Report Parameters

You create report parameters on the Report Maintenance module's Parameters tab.


You create report titles in the Reports module.

System Types

You create system types in the System Types module.


You create titles for a workflow's step checklists, Data Collection Templates: Concepts, and review task voting buttons.